bathing and grooming assistance

Bathing and Grooming Assistance in San Francisco

Irish Help at home care services offer bathing and grooming assistance for your loved ones. We understand the challenges face as they become older and cannot perform everyday tasks such as bathing, grooming, shaving, etc. Our caregivers ensure your loved ones’ hygiene is in check. It all starts with good practice. If a shower is present, then Irish Help at Home will always recommend this option over bathtubs. However, if your loved one prefers a bathtub experience, then we can accommodate the request. It helps to install bath mats or grab bars in order to provide extra support. We make sure water temperatures are appropriate, not too hot or cold. We make sure all bathroom essentials (i.e. shampoo, conditioner, towels, sponges, wash rags, etc.) are present for a smooth, easy wash followed by a gentle towel pat down for drying. If grooming needs to be performed, then we always suggest using an electric shaver, as it’s a safer practice.

Privacy for Your Loved Ones

We honor any special requests or preferences, unless we feel it may be too dangerous. For more details on the home care services services then please give us a call @ 415-759-0520 and we’ll answer any questions or inquiries you may have.