meal preparation

Meal Preparation in San Francisco CA

At Irish Help at Home, we can prepare meals for our clients by drafting a list of ingredients, assist with grocery shopping, and then prepare the meal. When it’s all said and done, then your caregiver will gladly clean everything up: washing dishes, wiping down tables, taking out the trash if it’s full, etc. We will accompany your loved ones during the whole process.

Prepared Foods for Your Loved Ones

We understand your loved ones may have specific dietary needs they need to have fulfilled for medical purposes. Our meal preparation process takes any specific information we need to know into account. For example, your loved one may have issues with swallowing. In this case we can use a blender or other device to blend or puree their foods, allowing them to eat without problem. If they have any preferences of any sort, then we can accommodate those as well. We always encourage nutritious meals that can benefit their overall health. Cooked meals are typically healthier, tastier, and fresher than frozen foods or boxed/processed foods. Your loved ones deserve nothing shy of excellence when it comes to the food they eat, which is why we are committed to providing them with the customization and care they need to fulfill their dietary habits. Contact Us or give us a call at 415-759-0520 to learn more about our meal preparation process.